CFOGA Policy for Safeguarding and Protecting Children

The Children Act 1989 defines a child as a person under the age of eighteen (18) for most purposes


1.0 Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Policy statement

2.0 Good Practice, Poor Practice and Abuse

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Good practice

2.3 Poor practice

2.4 Abuse

2.4.1 Forms of Abuse

2.4.2 Indicators of Abuse

2.5 Bullying

2.5.1 Anti-Bullying Policy

2.5.2 Signs and Symptoms

2.5.3 Procedures for reporting bullying

3.0 Disclosure, indications, suspicions of abuse

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Disclosure, indications or suspicions formats

3.3 Action required

3.4 The Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer (LSO)

3.5 Roles and Responsibilities of the LSO

4.0 Safeguarding Children in the club

4.1 Club Welfare Officer (CWO) 

4.2 Codes of Conduct

4.3 Changing rooms

4.4 Coaching ratios

4.5 Organising trips away for Junior Rowers

4.6 Use of Videoing, Cameras & Mobile Phones

4.6.1 Good Practice for the Publication of Images

5.0 Recruiting

5.1 Safe recruitment in the CFOGA

6.0 Training

7.0 CFOGA Club Welfare Officer Profile

1. Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy

1.1 Introduction

Every person who takes part in gig rowing has the right to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment, free from judgment and abuse.

The abuse of children, young people and the vulnerable can occur in any environment e.g. home, school and sports clubs. People the child know and trust commit the majority of child abuse. Children also disclose abuse to people they know and trust. This could be a member of any of our clubs.

This policy applies to all rowers, coaches, volunteers, employees and anyone involved in the Cornish Four-Oared Gig Association and its affiliates. All of these people have a duty of care to safeguard the welfare of children and prevent their abuse.

The CFOGA is committed to helping everyone in the gig rowing community accept their responsibility to safeguard children from harm and abuse, and to help them to do so.

All CFOGA clubs, competitions and associated officials must follow the policies defined in this document, and incorporate them into their constitutions and rules.

1.2 Policy Statement

The CFOGA is committed to:

  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of all young people and children
    and those responsible for their care within the member clubs.
  • Making the welfare of children paramount. This may well supersede
    the needs and rights of those adults working with them.
  • Respecting and actively promoting the inclusion of all people
    regardless of age, gender, sexuality, racial origin, disability, religion or culture – whilst recognising that children and families from minority group backgrounds may face additional barriers to accessing help and reporting concerns in respect of safeguarding issues.
  • Taking all reasonable steps to protect all club members from discrimination, degrading treatment, harm, bullying or harassment of any form and respecting their differences, feelings, wishes and rights.
  • Taking seriously all suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse and responding swiftly and appropriately to them in accordance with current procedures.

The CFOGA is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children and young people within its affiliated clubs, and those responsible for their care, by:

  • Valuing them, listening to and respecting them.
  • Involving them in decisions which affect them.
  • Expecting all affiliated clubs to:

o Nominate a suitable person to be a Welfare Officer, who is on the Management Committee of the club, (see section 7 – Role Profile for the Club Welfare Officer (CWO))

o Make sure their children and young people are aware of how and where help can be found within their clubs, by publicising contact details of the Club Welfare Officer and NSPCC ChildLine on posters, leaflets and club website where relevant.

o Recruit volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.

o Respond quickly and appropriately to any allegations/concerns of abuse or inappropriate behaviour by anyone including parents, club members and volunteers.

o Share information about concerns with agencies who need to know, and involving children and their parents/carers appropriately.


  • Ensuring that the CFOGA management:

o Provide all members involved in coaching and/or regular

contact with children and young people support through

induction, resources and access to relevant training.

o Provide ongoing support as needed from the CFOGA Lead Safeguarding


o Provide regular updates on Government Guidance, legal

procedures and safeguarding news to clubs as appropriate

and timely.

o Adopt Code of Conducts for all members.

o Provide effective management and support by monitoring

the work of affiliate clubs in terms of this Policy and its


o Monitor and adapt this Policy at regular intervals to ensure

that procedures are current and up to date.


2. Good Practice, Poor Practice and Abuse

2.1 Introduction

It is not always easy to distinguish poor practice from Abuse, whether intentional or accidental. It is not the responsibility of an individual in rowing to make judgements about whether or not Abuse is taking place, but everyone has a responsibility to:

  • identify poor practice and possible Abuse
  • act if they have concerns

2.2 Good Practice

The CFOGA strongly advises that coaches of Junior Rowers:

  • fully accept and adopt the CFOGA Code of Conduct
  • hold a British Rowing recognised coaching qualification
  • have completed a recognised Safeguarding & Child Protection
    Basic Awareness course, within the last three years.
  • Hold a relevant DBS check

Everyone should:

  • conduct a Risk Assessment before undertaking any rowing related
  • aim to make the experience of rowing fun and enjoyable
  • promote fairness and playing by the rules
  • not tolerate the use of prohibited or illegal substances
  • treat all Children equally and preserve their dignity; this includes
    giving more and less talented members of a group similar attention, time and respect.

Those working directly with Children should:

  • respect the developmental stage of each Rower and not risk sacrificing their welfare in a desire for club or personal achievement
  • ensure that the training intensity is appropriate to the physical,
    social and emotional stage of the development of the Rower
  • work with Parents and Children to develop training and competition
    schedules which are suited to the needs and the lifestyle of the Rower, not the ambitions of the Parents, coaches, team managers or club
  • build relationships based on mutual trust and respect, encouraging Children to take responsibility for their own development and decision-making
  • always be publicly open when working with Children:

o avoid coaching sessions or meetings where a coach and an

individual Rower are completely unobserved

o keep Parents informed about the content and nature of any

communications you have directly with their Children

including emails and text messages

o try to avoid one on one situations in changing rooms. If

Children need to be supervised/helped try to involve parents

or helpers

  • maintain an appropriate and open environment, with no secrets
  • avoid unnecessary physical contact with Children. Physical contact
    (touching) can be appropriate so long as:

o it is neither intrusive nor disturbing

o the reason that it is necessary has been fully explained

o the Rower’s permission has been openly given

o it is delivered in an open environment

  • maintain a safe and appropriate relationship with Rowers. It is inappropriate for coaches and others in Positions of Trust to have an intimate relationship with a Child under 18 years. This could be a criminal offence, an ‘abuse of trust’ as defined by the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000
  • be an excellent role model by maintaining appropriate standards of behaviour at social events and competitions
  • gain written parental consent, to act in loco parentis for the administration of emergency First Aid or other medical treatment if the need arises
  • be aware of any medical conditions, existing injuries and medicines being taken. Keep a written record of any injury or accident that occurs, together with details of any treatment given arrange that someone with appropriate training in and current knowledge of emergency First Aid is available
  • gain written parental consent for any significant travel arrangements, especially if an overnight stay is involved

2.3 Poor Practice

Poor practice is defined as any behaviour which contravenes the Roles & Responsibilities/Codes of Conduct for Volunteers & Coaches and the Good Practice guidelines as detailed in Section 2.2 of this policy.
The following are regarded as poor practice and should be avoided:

  • communicating directly with a Child without the Parents’
    knowledge, this includes phoning, texting and emailing
  • spending excessive amounts of time alone with Children away from
  • engaging in rough, physical or sexually provocative games
  • allowing or engaging in inappropriate touching of any form
  • using inappropriate language to a Child or allowing Children to use
    inappropriate language unchallenged
  • making sexually suggestive comments to a Child, even in jest
  • reducing a Child to tears as a form of control
  • letting allegations made by a Child go uninvestigated, unrecorded,
    or not acted upon
  • doing things of a personal nature that Children can do for
  • taking Children alone in a car on journeys, however short
  • inviting or taking Children to your home or office where they will be
    alone with you
  • sharing a room with a Child


Note: In exceptional circumstances it may be impractical to avoid some of these particular examples of poor practice. In which case, to protect both the children and yourself, you must seek parental consent and also make sure that the CWO of your club/organisation is aware of the situation and gives approval.

If whilst in your care a Child is accidentally hurt, the Child seems distressed in any way, appears to be sexually aroused by your actions, or misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done, report any such incidents as soon as possible to another adult and make a brief written note of it. Parents should also be informed of the incident.

2.4 Abuse

Abuse in all its forms can affect a Child at any age. The effects can be so damaging that without appropriate intervention, they may continue to have a very negative impact upon an individual into adulthood.

An individual who has been abused may:

  • find it difficult, or impossible to maintain a stable, trusting relationship
  • become involved with drugs or prostitution
  • attempt suicide or self-harm
  • go on to abuse another Child.
    Children with disabilities may be at increased risk of Abuse through various factors such as:
  1. stereotyping
  2. prejudice
  3. discrimination, including ethnic or racial
  4. isolation
  5. powerlessness to protect themselves
  6. inability to communicate that Abuse has occurred

2.4.1 Forms of Abuse

Abuse may take a number of forms, and may be classified under the following headings:

Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a Child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the Child’s health or development. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a Child’s basic emotional needs.
In a gig rowing situation this could include:

  • a coach not keeping Children safe by exposing them to undue cold, heat or the unnecessary risk of injury e.g. allowing Rowers under their supervision to train or race inappropriately clothed for the prevailing conditions
  • a parent consistently leaving a Child without adequate provisions e.g. food, water, clothing, sun protection.

Physical Abuse

Physical Abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a Child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of or induces illness in a Child.

In a gig rowing situation this could include:

  • a coach disregarding the individual requirements of each Child’s growing body or needs when setting a training programme e.g. allowing 14 year olds to undertake hour-long, continuous ergos.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse involves forcing or enticing a Child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the Child is aware of, or consents to, what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative acts such as rape, buggery or oral sex or non- penetrative acts such as fondling. It may also include non-contact activities such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging Children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

In a gig rowing situation, indicators could include:

  • a coach engaging in unnecessary and inappropriate physical
    contact e.g. massaging the shoulders of the rowers suggestively
  • a coach making suggestive comments to their rowers
  • an inappropriately close relationship developing between a rower
    and a coach
  • an individual spending an unnecessary amount of time in the
    changing area when Children are present.

Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a Child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the Child’s emotional development. It may involve making the Child feel or believe that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on Children. It may involve seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another. It may involve serious bullying causing children to frequently feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, although it may occur alone.
In a gig rowing situation this could include:

  • a parent or coach subjecting a rower to constant criticism, name-
    calling, sarcasm, bullying or racism
  • a parent or coach putting a rower under unrealistic pressure in
    order to perform to high expectations.


2.4.2 Indicators of abuse

Even for those experienced in working with child abuse, it is not always easy to recognise a situation where abuse may occur or has already taken place. It is not the responsibility of those working in rowing to decide that child abuse is occurring, but it is their responsibility to act on any concerns.

Indications that a child is being abused may include one or more of the following:

  • unexplained or suspicious injuries such as bruising, cuts or burns, particularly if situated on a part of the body not normally prone to such injuries or an injury for which an explanation seems inconsistent
  • the child describes what appears to be an abusive act involving him/her
  • someone else, a child or adult, expresses concern about the welfare of a child
  • unexplained changes in a child’s behavior, e.g. becoming very quiet, withdrawn, displaying sudden outbursts of temper or behavior changing over time
  • inappropriate sexual awareness
  • engaging in sexually explicit behavior
  • distrust of adults, particularly those with whom a close relationship
    would normally be expected
  • difficulty in making friends
  • being prevented from socialising with other Children
  • displaying variations in eating patterns including overeating or loss
    of appetite
  • losing weight for no apparent reason
  • becoming increasingly dirty or unkempt

2.5 Bullying

Bullying is deliberately hurtful behavior, usually repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. Bullying can be:

  • Emotional, being unfriendly, excluding (emotionally and physically), sending hurtful text messages/social media messages, tormenting (e.g. hiding kit, threatening gestures)
  • Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
  • Racist taunts, graffiti or gestures
  • Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
  • Homophobic because of, or focusing on, the issue of sexuality
  • Verbal name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.

2.5.1 Anti-Bullying Policy

The CFOGA is committed to fostering a caring, friendly and safe environment for everyone involved in rowing so they can participate in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in rowing. If bullying does occur, all rowers, coaches, volunteers or parents should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

Bullies come from all walks of life. They bully for a variety of reasons and may even have been bullied or abused themselves. Typically, bullies can have low self-esteem, be excitable, aggressive or jealous. Bullies can be boys or girls, men or women. Although bullying often takes place in schools, research shows it can and does occur anywhere where there is inadequate supervision – on the way to and from school, at a sporting event, in the playground or changing rooms. Competitive sports such as rowing are an ideal environment for the bully.

The bully in four-oared gig rowing can be a:

  • Parent who pushes too hard
  • Coach who adopts a ‘win at all costs’ philosophy
  • Rower or cox who intimidates or ridicules a peer
  • Club official who places unfair pressure on a person
  • Spectator who constantly shouts abuse

2.5.2 Signs and Symptoms of Bullying

The damage inflicted by bullying can frequently be underestimated. It can cause considerable distress to children. A child may indicate by signs or behavior that he or she is being bullied. Adults should be aware of, and investigate, these possible signs if a child:

  • says they are being bullied
  • is unwilling to go to club sessions
  • becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
  • feels ill before training sessions
  • has clothes torn or possessions damaged
  • has possessions go ‘missing’
  • asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)
  • has unexplained cuts or bruises
  • is frightened to say what’s wrong
  • gives improbable excuses for any of the above

In more extreme cases:

  • starts stuttering
  • cries themselves to sleep at night, has nightmares or wets the bed
  • becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
  • is bullying other children or siblings
  • stops eating
  • self harms
  • attempts or threatens suicide or runs away.


These signs and behaviours may indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a possibility and be investigated.

2.5.3 Procedures for reporting bullying

  1. Report bullying incidents to the Club Welfare Officer or a member of the committee.
  2. In cases of serious bullying, the incidents will be referred to British Rowing for advice.
  3. Parents should be informed and will be asked to come to a meeting to discuss the problem.
  4. If necessary and appropriate, police will be consulted.
  5. The bullying behaviour or threats of bullying must be investigated and
    the bullying stopped quickly.
  6. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their
  7. If mediation fails and the bullying is seen to continue, the club will
    initiate disciplinary action under the club constitution or where appropriate under CFOGA Disciplinary Procedures.

3.0 Disclosure, indications, suspicions of abuse

3.1 Introduction

The following section aims to outline how all staff, coaches, volunteers or those associated with the CFOGA should respond to disclosure, indications or suspicions of abuse.

  • It is essential that all disclosures are taken seriously and appropriate action is taken.
  • It is not your responsibility to decide if child abuse is taking place.
  • It is your responsibility to report your concerns to the appropriate
  • Not acting is not an option.

3.2 Disclosure, indications or suspicions may take on any of the following formats:

  • A child / parent or other person who says either they or another child is / are being abused
  • An allegation against a member of staff / volunteer or another young person
  • A concern about a child’s welfare where no specific allegation or disclosure has taken place

3.3 Action required in response to disclosure, indications or suspicions of abuse

In the event of a disclosure, indication or suspicion of abuse all staff, coaches or volunteers should contact CFOGA immediately.

The following steps should also be taken:

  • Listen to that person – give them time to talk
  • Reassure them
  • Record the facts!
  • Refer immediately to the Designated Person. 
  • If a child requires immediate medical attention or is in danger, call
    an ambulance/police and inform them that there is a Child Protection concern

In the event of a disclosure, indication or suspicion of abuse by a child or young person staff should NOT:

  • Promise the child / young person you will keep it a secret
  • Ask leading questions
  • Talk to anyone but the Designated Person or the Police
  • Discuss with parents / carer
  • Re-question the child / young person

If the disclosure, indications or suspicions of abuse is against a member of staff, coach, volunteer or other young person then the following procedures should be followed:

  • DO NOT discuss with the alleged perpetrator
  • If the allegation is not against the CWO then pass the information
    onto them
  • Ensure maximum confidentiality
  • If the allegation is against the CWO, contact CFOGA LSO.
  • If the information is passed to the designated CWO keep a record
    of your own conversation with the person/child to whom the
    disclosures were made
  • Do not speak to parents before seeking advice.
  • Should any other concern relating to Child Protection arise then
    seek advice, support and guidance in all situations.
  • The awareness of adults within the CFOGA and member clubs (including parents) of these procedures and this policy ensures they understand that all situations are treated in the same way and no discrimination takes place.

3.4 The Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer

The Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer for the CFOGA is

Greta Kendall – please contact


If the CWO at your club or the above LSO is not available and the matter is urgent:

  1. Contact a statutory agency directly for advice and
  2. Contact the LSO at the CFOGA.

General Roles & Responsibilities of the Designated and Assistant LSOs

  • Ensure the CFOGA Policy is adhered to
  • Manage dissemination of policy, procedures & resources throughout
    the Partnership
  • Central point of contact for internal /external individuals / agencies
  • Complete an annual review against the Action Plan
  • Ensure 2 way communication links with NGBs and local / national
  • Management of cases of poor practice / abuse reported to the
  • Record own conversation with person / child to whom the disclosures
    were made, but never asking the child to repeat the information
  • Contact the relevant Children, Young People and Families Service
    Officer and pass on full details including any factual information you have on child / young person i.e. name, age, address, any known family details
  • Ensure Children, Young People and Families Service confirm who will liaise with the parent / carer
  • Increased awareness of child protection issues via appropriate training
  • Ensure all written records / documents are kept secure and
  • The management of cases of poor practice / abuse reported to the
    organisation including recording systems

4. The CFOGA Affiliated Club

4.1 Club Welfare Officer (CWO)

Every CFOGA club that has Junior members (under 18 years) or Children
regularly using its facilities must appoint a Club Welfare Officer (CWO).

This person must have a Child-focused approach, good communication skills and an ability to provide support and advice. They should also be well organised, have good administrative and recording skills and an ability and willingness to promote and implement CFOGA Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy, please see role profile below.

4.2 Codes of Conduct

Codes of conduct are useful for everyone concerned with rowing to outline the expected behaviour of different groups. There are a number of different codes of conduct and many clubs will already have adopted and adapted their own.

It is useful to consider specific codes of conduct for Parents, Junior Rowers, volunteers, coaches and other members.

4.3 Changing rooms

  • Where practical, Children should be supervised in changing rooms by two adults.
  • Adult coaches or volunteers should not shower or change at the same time as the Children they have been working with.
  • No members or volunteers, medical or otherwise should be present when rowers of the opposite sex are showering or changing (for example a male coach working with a female crew).
  • In mixed gender clubs separate changing facilities should be available.
  • If a Child is uncomfortable showering or changing in public no pressure should be put on them to do so, they should be encouraged to change and shower at home.
  • If the club has Children with disabilities, they and their carers should be involved in deciding how best they can be assisted. Always ensure the Children consent to the assistance that is offered.
  • No photographic equipment should be used in the changing room environment. This includes cameras, video cameras, camera phones etc.

4.4 Coaching ratios

Although there is government guidance for people working with groups of Children, it is essential in rowing that a separate Risk Assessment is taken for each group of Children and that this is reviewed for each training session. Participants under the age of 18, even those qualified as coaches, should be supervised at all times.

In line with the national guidance, the level of supervision should take account of the:

  • age and ability of the Children
  • type of training session being undertaken (on land or water)
  • Children’s growing independence
  • environment that the session is taking place in
  • Risk Assessment
    If there is an accident or incident you should ensure there is always someone available to supervise the remaining Children. Coaches working with Children should ensure that they do not work in isolation.

4.5 Organised trips away for Junior Rowers

Even the simplest day trip away from the club requires planning. When planning residential trips for Junior Rowers clubs should use the advice and checklists available from the CFOGA and British Rowing. A very useful document Safe Sport Away is available from the NSPCC.
The main factors to consider are:

  • Communication with Parents
  • Transport – any special requirements for rowers with disabilities,
  • Supervision
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Insurance

4.6 Use of Videoing, Photographic Equipment & Mobile Phones

Use of today’s modern mobile phones and digital cameras, often with videoing equipment, presents the opportunity for misuse.
For any activities organised by the CFOGA member clubs, then the following procedures should be adhered to:

  • Videoing / Photography should only be allowed if written consents have been provided by the parents & those taking part in the activities.
  • If the photographs are to published a consent form should be obtained detailing for what purpose the video footage / photographs are intended
  • Only use official CFOGA or Club social media sites to publish photographs and videos
    All prospective photographers must obtain permission prior to using their camera.

The following details should be detailed for all prospective photographers:

  • Name / address and phone number of the person using the camera
  • Names of the subjects
  • Relationship of the photographer to the subject
  • The reason or use the images are being intended to be put to
  • A signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the images will only be used for the reasons given
  • A sequential number to enable a date and order log to be kept.
    A general requirement of the person given approval is that if any other person complains or expresses concern they must respect the rights of other people and stop taking photographs.

4.6.1 Good Practice for the Publication of Images

  • If a photograph is used, avoid naming the individual and identifying features. Never publish personal details of a child / young person
  • Only use images of players in suitable dress (tracksuit, t shirt, shorts, skirt etc) to reduce the risk of inappropriate use
  • Try to focus on the activity rather than a particular child and where possible use photographs that represent the broad range of children / young people taking part
  • Ensure that images reflect positive aspects of children’s involvement with the CFOGA (enjoyment / competition etc)

5. Recruiting

5.1 Safe recruitment in CFOGA

The CFOGA will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent unsuitable people from working with Children under their jurisdiction. This applies equally to those recruited in a paid or unpaid (voluntary) position.

The responsibility for having safe and careful recruitment processes in place rests with the Regulated Activity Provider, i.e. the local organisation, club or event, including those supported by, or employing, people in voluntary roles. Reference checking, interviewing, attitude and aptitude testing, relevant experience and qualifications are important elements of this process. All of these are just as important as a DBS check.

The following recruitment procedures set out the minimum standards you must apply to recruitment at a CFOGA member club or event. These procedures apply equally to paid or unpaid persons within your club or event. All persons who will have Significant Access to Children, or who hold a position of trust with the children with whom they come into contact, must first be vetted to establish whether they have any criminal convictions or other past behaviour that suggests they are unsuitable to work with Children, or may present a risk to Children. Existing volunteers or employees who change their role must also complete the same vetting process.

  1. Complete an application form. This will help assess the applicant’s suitability to work with Children, based on their skills and competencies as well as eliciting information about an applicant’s past
  2. Provide a self-disclosure about any matter that might influence their suitability to work with Children.
  3. Provide two referees
  4. Provide details of previous volunteering experience or relevant
  5. Provide evidence of their identity (such as a driving licence with
    photo or passport)
  6. Complete a Criminal Records Check at the enhanced level for the
    specific role

In addition, anyone working in a Regulated Activity (weekly over a sustained period of time) must complete a DBS Check.

Eligibility for a DBS Check depends on the specific role in question. If you are not sure about the eligibility of the role please seek advice from the LSO at the CFOGA.

The CFOGA will use a registered body of the DBS, and they are fully compliant with the DBS Code of Practice including the secure storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of Criminal Records and Barred List information. Any disclosures will be dealt with confidentially, following the guidance set out in Information Sharing: Guidance for Practitioners and Managers, HM Government 2008.

Criminal Record and, where relevant, Barred Lists Check must be renewed at least every three years if a person remains in post or more regularly if, for example, there is a concern raised, if the person changes their role or moves to a new club, or if the person has been absent from the club for a significant period.

To create an enjoyable and safe environment for all Children, everyone involved in rowing must be aware of what good practice is and how to deal with poor practice and Abuse.


6. Training

Formal training will help people to work safely and effectively with Children by:

  • comparing their own practice against what is regarded as good practice and identifying ways to improve
  • ensuring that they are not placing themselves at risk from allegations
  • recognising their responsibilities and reporting any concerns about suspected poor practice or Abuse
  • understanding the recruitment and selection procedures described (Section 5).

The CWO should maintain a written record of training and relevant qualifications of those working with Children within the club.

Within the club environment everyone has a responsibility to be aware of the Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy, understand what good and poor practices are and know what to do if they have a concern.

All club members and volunteers should have access to the policy document at the club or be made aware that it can be accessed.

All club members should read and have an awareness of this policy.

The CWO, junior event coordinator and all junior coaches/coordinators should attend a minimum 3 hours Safeguarding and Protecting Children Workshop.

The CWO should attend the CPSU ‘Time to Listen’ CWO course.

All of this training is available through your local County Sports Partnership and/or British Rowing.

7. Cornish Four-Oared Gig Association (CFOGA) Club Welfare Officer (CWO) Role Profile

Designated persons with responsibility for safeguarding children.

Every club that has junior members (under 18) must appoint a Club Welfare Officer. The CWO should complete the necessary training and complete a DBS criminal records check.


The CWO is responsible for acting as a source of advice on Child Protection matters and for coordinating action within the club on receipt of any concerns or referrals.

They should endeavour to gain an understanding of the CFOGA’s Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy and keep up to date with the appropriate level of training. They should be a member of the club’s committee.


  • To provide information and advice on Child Protection within the club.
  • To ensure that the club adopts and follows the CFOGA Safeguarding &
    Protecting Children Policy and procedures and promote awareness of the
    policy within the club.
  • To receive information from club staff, volunteers, young people or Parents
    and carers who have Child Protection concerns and record it.
  • To assess the information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more
    information about the matter as appropriate.
  • To make a formal referral to a statutory Child Protection Agency if
    appropriate and report any illegal matters to the police.
  • To report any referrals or concerns to the CFOGA Lead Safeguarding Officer as
    soon as possible in line with CFOGA procedures.
  • To ensure that appropriate information is available at the time of referral and
    that the referral is confirmed in writing, under confidential cover.
  • To be an evidence checker, verifying the identity of individuals and completing
    Criminal Records Check application forms.
  • To keep records of all those who have been vetted within the club
  • DBS Checks are updated on at least a three yearly basis and that all those
    working in Regulated Activities are compliant with current government
  •  To advise the club officers regarding the appropriate levels of safeguarding
    training and/or guidance for all adults working with Children in the club.
  • To maintain a written record of training and relevant qualifications of those
    working in the club.
  • To promote a Child-centred approach within the club, e.g. maintain the
    Junior section notice board and promote good practice.





    v.1 (last updated 01/01/2022)


Get in touch if anything is unclear or you’d like more information.